
Showing posts from November 29, 2020
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Coronavirus and Sustainability: Lessons from the Great Recession for COVID-19 Green Recovery CleanTechnica Green Stimulus Spending: Great Recession vs. Coronavirus Recession. After the 2007–2009 financial crisis, governments announced about $520 ... Black Friday may have undergone a 'fundamental change' due to the coronavirus pandemic CNBC Ex-Walmart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said he worries about the sustainability of online-focused Black Friday deals if people only buy what's on sale. How the Covid vaccine success can fuel a sustainable UK economic recovery The Guardian Three-tier Covid plan for England: which lockdown level is your local area in? Effective from 2 December 2020. Source: ... Sector Based Decarbonization: N/A Global Reporting Initiative: Corporate reporting bodies plan merger to harmonise standards Reuters UK It also follows a September agreement between the SASB, IIRC and peers including the Global Reporting Initiative, CDP and the Cli...