
Showing posts from September 22, 2019
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In the News

Sector Based Decarbonization: Cross-industry coalition to tackle decarbonizing shipping The newly formed Getting to Zero Coalition, comprising members of the maritime, energy, infrastructure, and financial sectors, will lead commercial ... The Getting to Zero Coalition: a step further towards decarbonization Environmental Defense Fund (blog) Action from all sectors. In the absence of real transformative action, we have no hope of meeting the temperature goals established by science and ... Electricity heading the race for #CarbonNeutrality EU Reporter Power sector decarbonization is gaining pace in the EU. Updated ... Based on solid facts and figures, the Barometer makes recommendations on eight ... Global Reporting Initiative: How to simplify corporate reporting World Economic Forum (blog) ... the Climate Disclosure Standards Board, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the International Integrated Reporting Council and the Sustainability ... Corporate Reporting Dialogue...