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Solar Sunlight Reflection Geoengineering

Here, from CNBC, is a good status summary as well as an announcement of a new U S-led R&D program for this geoengineering approach to temporarily reducing climate change impact .

The link to the CNBC article can be found below; here are a few comments from the PK Team:

1) The Program appears to be short on the need for and approach to international coordination. Geoengineering benefits, risks and impacts-- like climate change itself-- don't observe national boundaries.

2) more emphasis is needed in the article on what they choose to call Moral Hazard .  It should be defined and discussed much earlier, rather than almost ignoring the risk that geoengineering may undermine and slow down lasting climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.

3)  For completeness, mention should be made of orbiting reflectors in the article, even if the program doesn't mention them; some folks even believe orbiting reflectors could become orbital collectors and transmitters of solar energy to earth.   For instance see:

Read the CNBC Article at:


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