
Showing posts from July 14, 2019
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Sector Based Decarbonization :  Committing to decarbonization in the Caribbean maritime sector Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide The MTCC-Caribbean is seen as having a key role in propelling the Caribbean forward with decarbonization in the shipping sector, in line with the ... EU HVACR sector criticises 'political inaction' on decarbonisation Refrigeration and Air Conditioning A network of specialists working across the heating, cooling and energy sectors have queried a lack of clear political consensus to support meaningful ... Global Reporting Initiative: ABT ASSOCIATES RELEASES REPORTS ON MISSION IMPACT, GLOBAL OPERATIONS ... Yahoo Finance In reference to the GRI standards for organization, economic, environmental and social practices, we report on 60 disclosures, including mechanisms ... Kimberly-Clark Issues Annual Report on Sustainability Yahoo Finance Kimberly-Clark Issues Annual Report on Sustainability ... in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ...