
Showing posts from January 19, 2020
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Microgrids: Microgrids Deliver Resiliency, Security and Savings IoT World Today (blog) The term microgrid suggests thinking small, but the big picture for these IoT-based energy technologies is how they could revolutionize the distribution ...        BoxPower Supplies Two Portable Microgrids For Use In Puerto Rico CleanTechnica BoxPower is a company in California that makes portable solar powered microgrids. They come in two sizes — one fits inside a standard shipping ... Microgrids to the Rescue? JD Supra (press release) Facing this new normal, "microgrids" have emerged as a potential tool to ensure that crucial facilities maintain power during the inevitable PSPS ... Sector Based Decarbonization: How decarbonizing shipping could unlock a global energy transition World Economic Forum (blog) How decarbonizing shipping could unlock a global energy transition ... Shipping is considered a hard-to-abate sector, and the decarbonization of ... and ship-based...