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Investment Resources

Here’s a very useful KISS glossary, with links to find out more about sustainability investing terms and meanings:

For Green Bond Funds

As their website says, "An independent source for sustainable investment management company research, analysis, opinions and sustainable fund disclosure assessments", but also a source of current information on green bond offerings

For Impact Investing

For those wondering what the term "Impact Investing" refers to, a good basic overview of the current collectively accepted definition of the concept.

For Low  Carbon Funds

An article describing funds that have earned the "Morningstar Low Carbon Designation" based on criteria from Sustainalytics' company carbon-risk scores. Requires a free registration to view.

For Renewable Energy Investments

For those interested in Renewable Energy Stock investing, a quarterly overview of the current " top 3 alternative energy stocks with the best value, the fastest earnings growth, and the most momentum." according to well known investing site Investopedia.

For Socially Responsible Investing

A good basic overview of the current definition of the concept of "socially responsible investing" from popular financial advice company Nerdwallet

For Sustainability Investing

The website of the "US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment", a trade association that advances sustainable investing across all asset classes. The website contains a variety of information regarding the associations programs, public policy statements, conferences, etc.


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