
Showing posts from January 20, 2019
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In the News

Sector Based Decarbonization :  Oregon Clean Energy Jobs Bill: An Economic Engine And A Decarbonization Catalyst Forbes The state's economy depends on industries like agriculture, forestry, fishing, and outdoor recreation; more than 40% of its total electricity supply comes ... Sustainable Investing :  The State of Socially Responsible Investing Harvard Business Review In 2007, the European Investment Bank issued its first green bond, a EUR 600 million equity index-linked security, whose proceeds were used to fund ... How to Evaluate Socially Responsible Investing U.S. News & World Report Finding socially responsible investments is easier than ever before, but questions still remain around just what impact these investments are actually ... Global Reporting Initiative: The future of business? Purpose, not just profit World Economic Forum (blog) For Polman, the incentive is clear: businesses cannot thrive in a world in ... by the GRI (The Global Reporting Initia...