
Showing posts from May 26, 2019
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In the News

Sector Based Decarbonization :  Decarbonization and industrial demand for gas in Europe [GGP] Natural Gas World So far, the electricity sector has been the main focus of EU low-carbon policies, but if Europe is to meet its objectives, decarbonization efforts will need ... Global Reporting Initiative: Air Products Publishes 2019 Sustainability Report Yahoo Finance Highlights of the GRI Report include: fostering safety as a fundamental value at Air Products; how Sustainability is at the core of Air Products' business ... Sungrow Releases 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Yahoo Finance The report is prepared following the guidelines of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard, considered the universally accepted standard for ... Covia Corp Launches First Annual Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report Yahoo Finance The 2018 report was prepared referencing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. To meet these guidelines, in 2018 the Company conducted ... Renewa...