
Showing posts from November 25, 2018
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In the News

Sector Based Decarbonization :  Powering ahead: Utilities will lead the race to decarbonization We can transform the power sector and widen electrification faster and sooner than previously thought, writes the president of Eurelectric and CEO of ... Sustainable Investing :  Stepping up sustainable investing, healthy childbirth in Nigeria, small-business lending in India ... ImpactAlpha Taking sustainable investing to the next level, sooner than later (podcast). The glass may be one-quarter full – or more than three-quarters empty. Taking sustainable investing to the next level, sooner than later (podcast) ImpactAlpha The sustainable investing glass may be one-quarter full – or more than three-quarters empty. Last month's report from the U.S. Forum for Sustainable ... Q&A: CDC's Nick O'Donohoe on impact investing Devex NEW DELHI — As the impact investing industry gains steam, questions are emerging about the role of development finance institutions in m...