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Sector Based Decarbonization: Renewable gas or electrification? Minnesota's high stakes experiment on building decarbonization Utility Dive Minnesota's high stakes experiment on building decarbonization ... One major emitter of focus is buildings — the industrial and building sectors saw ... but policy mechanisms should "value the RNG based on the emissions impact it ... Coalition Supports Decarbonization of Shipping Industry IISD Reporting Services Coalition Supports Decarbonization of Shipping Industry ... A shared knowledge base of integrated decarbonization pathways to enable alignment ... New Push to Decarbonize Aviation Sector as Consumers Consider Alternatives to Flying Modern Diplomacy As the carbon footprint of the aviation sector comes increasingly under the spotlight, consumers are thinking twice about how they make long-distance ... Global Reporting Initiative: GRI Standards Launched in Italian (press release) Sep. 30 /CSRwire/ - More companies...