
Showing posts from March 22, 2020
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Microgrids: Could COVID-19 Give Rise to the Home Microgrid? Microgrid Knowledge The coronavirus (COVID-19) could alter who needs reliable energy — and when — and place new importance on residential microgrids. residential ... PG&E, SCE abandon big microgrid plans for temporary emergency measures as wildfire season ... Utility Dive But bids in response to solicitations by the state's two biggest investor-owned utilities (IOUs) found only temporary microgrid deployments are financially ... Engie EPS Cites Earnings Uncertainty from Coronavirus. Sticks to Long-term Microgrid Strategy Microgrid Knowledge Engie EPS sees microgrids and energy storage as key to its growth, but expects a short-term disruption because its manufacturing facilities are in Italy, ... Global Reporting Initiative: US Senators Join Call for OECD to 'Align With GRI Tax Standard' (press release) “GRI sets reporting standards used by 78% of companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average an...