
Showing posts from September 29, 2024
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In the News

This week's post features items from The World Economic Forum, USGBC, ESG Today, Nature, Oil Price, Forbes, Arts Professional, Harvard Business Review, The Fast Mode, Seneca ESG, Business Wire, EQS News,, GeekSided, USDA, AXA IM UK, Charged EVs, Yahoo Finance, Supply Chain Digital, Data Center Frontier, Earthjustice, Legal Planet, California Trout, McKinsey & Company, Impact Investor, ImpactAlpha, Clean Energy Wire, Renewable Energy Magazine, Tech Briefs, YouTube, Research and innovation - European Union, and many many more...We scour the web so you don't have to!   Methane Emissions: Significant impact of the covid-19 pandemic on methane emissions evaluated by ... - Nature Nature ... methane emissions. This study investigates the changes in methane concentrations in Seoul, South Korea, from 2019 to 2023, using TROPOMI satellite ... Oil and Gas Boom Fuels U.S. Methane Surge | Oil Price Despite federal efforts to reduc