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Technologies Needed to Avoid a Climate Disaster

from pg 200 of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster”, Bill Gates, Feb. 2021." 

Planetkeep has recently begun to collect the growing number of recent books proposing plans for winning the climate change war. We’ll be posting our thoughts on them, as well as important and interesting extracts, starting with Bill Gates’ list of needed technologies from pg 200 of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster”, Bill Gates, Feb. 2021.  Rationales are presented in in chapters 4-9: “How We Plug In”; “How We Make Things”; “How we Grow Things”, “How We Get Around”; “How We Keep Cool and Stay Warm”; “Adapting to a Warmer World”.  And the items on the list are characterized as needing to be “cheap enough for middle income countries to buy”.

Technologies Needed to Avoid a Climate Disaster
(All “cheap enough for middle income countries to buy”)
1.    Hydrogen produced without emitting carbon
2.    Grid-scale electricity storage that can last a {ull season
3.    Electrofuels
4.    Advanced biofuels
5.    Zero-carbon cement
6.    Zero-carbon steel
7.    Plant- and cell-based meat and dairy
8.    Zero-carbon fertilizer
9.    Next-generation nuclear fission
10.    Nuclear fusion
11.    Carbon capture--direct air capture and point capture
12.    Underground electricity transmission
13.    Zero-carbon plastics
14.    Geothermal energy
15.    Pumped hydro
16.    Thermal storage
17.    Drought- and flood-tolerant food crops
18.    Zero-carbon alternatives to palm oil
19.    Coolants that don't contain F-gases


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