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In the News

Coronavirus and Sustainability:

ESG and mining: sustainability after coronavirus
S&P Global
As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic fallout, industries of all types face the urgent challenge of securing their ...

Drafting a Sustainability Agenda During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has accounted for more than 350,000 deaths, has pushed the world's economies into a state of near-complete ...

Why COVID Won't Set Back Aviation's Sustainability Goals
Simple Flying
As such, it could be predicted that COVID will actually accelerate progress on sustainable aviation. However, the results of the survey were less clear ... 

Sector Based Decarbonization:

German coal phase-out – Another step towards decarbonization of the power sector and beyond
JD Supra
On Friday, July 3, 2020, the German Bundestag and Bundesrat finally passed the law on the phase out of coal. The phase-out was announced by the ...

Feature: Spotlight turns to maritime decarbonization in Asia after IMO 2020 transition
S&P Global
... properly enforced goal-based operational efficiency measure would unlock net ... In the short term, the maritime industry should invest in initiatives that bring ... In the end, concerted coordinated industry efforts as well as continued ...

Global Reporting Initiative:

SASB, GRI to help users understand similarities, differences of standards
Pensions & Investments
"In a post-COVID world, companies will increasingly be expected to disclose their performance on a range of ESG topics." GRI CEO Tim Mohin said in ...

GRI and SASB are collaborating. Is that good news for companies?
Today, two of those organizations — GRI, formerly the Global Reporting Initiative, and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, better known as ...

Promoting Clarity and Compatibility in the Sustainability Landscape
SASB and GRI understand that the sustainability disclosure landscape can appear complicated. For companies that use both standards, the reporting ...

Renewable Energy Investments:

7 Best Renewable Energy Stocks and ETFs
Momentum is building for renewable energy. A growing number of sustainable energy investments are available for investors who want exposure to ...

Beyond the “silver lining” of emissions reductions: Clean energy takes a COVID-19 hit
Environmental Health News
... investments are hampering U.S. strides toward a clean energy future. ... to renewable energy investments on long-term greenhouse gas emissions.

Connecticut green bonds offer residents a chance to fund war on climate change
Energy News Network
The state's green bank hopes to inspire residents to help fund clean energy investments to combat climate change. The Connecticut Green Bank is ...

CDP Sustainability:

Translating targets into temperature: CDP launches new ratings system for climate crisis
The CDP temperature ratings dataset will offer insight on more than 4,000 ... edie is launching its first bespoke sustainability conference focused on ...

Brisa, the Parent Company of Lassa Tyres, Is Featured Amongst Global Leaders in CDP's Climate ...
PR Newswire UK
Brisa was further awarded with an "A-" rating in CDP's Climate Change ... We are thankful that our steps in the field of sustainability are crowned with ...

WFW advises CDP on €10m Sanlorenzo financing
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
... cutting-edge technology with a strong focus on sustainability into the maritime industry. It confirms both CDP committed support for Italian innovation ...

California's Leadership in Climate Change:

California Can Still Lead America And The World On Electric Vehicles - Despite Trump
This assault is part of the administration's climate change denial and has made the U.S. ... California's clean transportation leadership crosses borders.

University of California system names first Black president
NBC News
Drake, a seasoned university administrator, replaces Janet Napolitano in ... the threat of climate change, and “the yawning wounds of social injustice that we ... as the California State University system is searching for a new leader.

FARM Act To Support Climate Change Fight
Escalon Times
His leadership will help dairy farmers in California and nationwide as the dairy sector moves forward with major proactive environmental efforts.” “With ...

Impact Investing:

JLL Sees 'Significant Progress in Impact Investing' on Horizon
JLL's post pointed to a recent IPE survey that said 1 in 5 real estate investors had continued to make social impact investments during the virus crisis and ...

The Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing Announces $752000 in Grants to Advance Policy ...
NEW YORK, July 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing ("TPF"), a donor collaborative vehicle with a mission of scaling ...

Roles Foundations Play in Shaping Impact Investing
Stanford Social Innovation Review
“Impact investing,” as a term of art, was coined at Rockefeller Foundation retreats in northern Italy in 2007 and 2008. The attendees visiting the ...

Energy Storage:

Blackouts Have Triggered an Energy Storage Boom in California
Scientific American
The threat of chronic blackouts is sparking a rush to install battery backup ... Permit applications for energy storage projects are surging, according to ...

DC Circuit Ruling Empowers Energy Storage Technology To Tap Bigger Markets
In 2015, construction workers install 16 Tesla PowerPack battery storage units outside an Irvine, ... [+] ...

Investors Still Betting on Next Big Energy Storage Technology: Solid-State Batteries
Greentech Media
Solid-state batteries could be safer and more energy-dense than lithium-ion products are today. The improved technology could hit the market by the mid ...

Science Based Carbon Performance Targets:

AvalonBay Communities Issues Latest Corporate Responsibility Report
Odessa American
Establishing science-based emissions reduction targets, approved by the ... About CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ CEO Action for Diversity ...

Climate Change Winners and Losers:

Revealing winners & losers in projected future climates
Newswise — New research reveals how winners & losers from climate change can be identified based on their ability to adapt to rising future ...

Trump slams Biden in Rose Garden remarks; winners and losers from Tuesday's primaries
Fox News
“When Donald Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can muster is 'hoax,'" Biden told reporters. "When I think about climate change, ...

Going Where the Carbon Is: Directing Clean Energy Dollars to Fossil-Fueled Regions
This is yet another reminder that climate change poses a serious threat to people, natural resources ... This is not about picking winners and losers.


Hydrogen May Be The Crucial 'Jigsaw' Piece For Green Microgrids
Microgrids are set up for several reasons that include increasing a region's resiliency — or its ability to maintain power as well as incorporating more ...

Microgrids in Hospitals Minimize Threats of Electrical Outages
Microgrid Knowledge
The next entry explores the benefits of microgrids in hospitals and how these systems can keep the lights on in these critical facilities. microgrids in ...

Microgrids: A Powerful Modern Tool for Wildfire Management
Greentech Media
Improved economics and technology have made microgrids a viable solution to deliver digitized, decarbonized and decentralized backup power.

Socially Responsible Investing:

Socially Responsible Investing with ETFs: Part 1
... social and governance (ESG) characteristics, explains Jim Woods, editor of The Deep Woods — in the first of 3 articles on socially-responsible ETFs ...

3 Socially Responsible ETFs For Impact Investing
Whether called SRI, for socially-responsible investing, or ESG, for environmental, social and governance, the idea of investing in companies that “do ...

What You Should Know About ESG Investing And The DOL's Proposal
In June, the Department of Labor advanced a rule relating to socially responsible investing – also commonly known as environmental, social, and ...

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage:

A new approach to carbon capture
MIT News
... Engineering and co-director of the MIT Energy Initiative's Low-Carbon Energy Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage, began to take a ...

Xcel, Duke say advanced nukes, carbon capture, hydrogen the tools to get to net-zero
S&P Global
... carbon capture utilization and storage that might be useful in handling industrial emissions; long-duration energy storage that would include not only ...

US Department of Energy Announces $11.5 Million funding for FLExible Carbon Capture and ...
FLECCS project teams will work to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) ... conditions, improve its efficiency, and increase its capital utilization.

Sustainability Investing:

New Trump administration policy may restrict sustainability investing, making it more difficult to ...
The Rising
New Trump administration policy may restrict sustainability investing, making it more difficult to invest in ESG funds that 'put social goals before profits'.

Wealthy investors' growing demand for sustainability suggests new investment trend
That figure rose to 40% among ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWIs), those with $30 million or more to invest. And, importantly, that interest is ...

Investors' next high-yield bets should be on ocean sustainability, researchers say
Over the next 30 years, investing $2 trillion to $3.7 trillion globally across several sustainable ocean-based policy interventions would generate a net ...


Geoengineering's benefits limited for apple crops in India
Geoengineering—spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to combat global warming—would only temporarily and partially benefit apple ...

Geoengineering super low carbon cows: food and the corporate carbon economy in a low carbon ...
Instead, practices to deliberately manipulate the Earth's climate to counteract anthropogenic climate change, known as geoengineering or climate ...

Green Bond Funds:

Green bonds become real in emerging markets
World Bank Group
The fund will provide an additional – and essential – source of financing for these businesses. Before REGIO, the green bond market in developing ...

Connecticut green bonds offer residents a chance to fund war on climate change
Energy News Network
Proceeds from the bond sales will help fund the green bank's clean energy efforts, which are otherwise supported through a utility bill surcharge, ...

How does a bank's green bond contribute to protect the environment?
A green bond aims to raise funds and use them to finance projects that help ... In the case of BBVA, the bank has already issued three green bonds. In ...

Low Carbon Funds:

First State Super divests from thermal coal
Pensions & Investments
First State Super aims to almost halve carbon emissions in its investments ... The A$120 billion ($83 billion) fund will reduce emissions in its stock ...

Australia's No. 2 Pension Fund Divests From Thermal Coal
Yahoo Canada Finance
Australia's second-largest pension fund aims to almost halve carbon emissions ... The A$120 billion ($83 billion) fund will reduce emissions in its stock ...

Democrats split on Trump plan to use development funds for nuclear projects
The Hill
(DFC), a fledgling government fund with an aim to alleviate poverty, has ... form of zero-carbon energy, remain unproven, will divert funds from higher-priority ... Democrats who support lifting the ban argue it could help develop small ...


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